
Welcome to my crafty blog, all about my adventures on Etsy! Here you will find the current deals and discounts in my shops, my giveaways, patterns, special projects, and write ups about great shops I've found on Etsy! Please visit often! You can contact me for more info on anything you see here via Etsy http://moandozzy.etsy.com , commenting on a post, e-mailing me at moandozzy@yahoo.com, or visiting my Facebook fan page at http://www.facebook.com/moandozzy .

My Etsy Shop

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sarah's Stitches - Weekend Wonder

YES! The Weekend Wonders are back! Did you miss me last weekend? I missed doing the entry too! But the giveaway was pretty fun. ;)

I became a fan of Sarah's Stitches on Facebook after she became a fan of my shop's page and I have been kind of obsessed with some of her listings! First thing's first, though . . . let's give you the link to her shop:

Ok, now, those of you who know me know that this laptop cover isn't 100% my style, but I know a few of you would LOVE this crazy jungle cat print. Are you ready? Ok . . . look!
Here is what I LOVE about these . . . I have a toddler. A laptop sleeve would keep the laptop much safer in the event of him standing on it, trying to open it, or eating swedish fish in the same room as it. Don't ask. I think this funky print is super fun and it's my favorite sleeve in her shop right now.

Ok, here's the listing I'm in love with . . . . Isn't this bag GORGEOUS?!? I love it! You know how I feel about buttons too. (If you're not sure, search my shop for the term button . . . they're on so many things!)

And, as if that weren't tempting enough . . . you can buy a matching checkbook cover! I'll admit, I'm not a checkbook carrying gal, but I could totally stow the few cards I need in here and some cash . . . . if I kept any on me. ;)

So do show Sarah some love! She's only a few months into her Etsy journey, so be sure to go and at least heart your favorite so she knows which items we love. Thanks for weekend wondering with me! I'll feature another shop next weekend . . . maybe yours?

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